Congressman Andy Ogles Among House Republicans Seeking to Prevent the Resettling of Palestinians into the U.S.

Andy Ogles

Tennessee U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) is among a group of House Republicans requesting that a provision be included in the Fiscal Year 2025 spending bill to prohibit Palestinian refugees from being imported and resettled into U.S. communities.

Ogles, along with U.S. Representatives Tom Tiffany (R-WI-07) and Scott Perry (R-PA-10), are specifically seeking a provision in the funding bill that “prohibits expenditures of any funds to issue a visa or grant parole to any alien holding a passport issued by the Palestinian Authority.”

“Whatever fanciful leftist notion to the contrary, the United States of America cannot be expected to absorb the rest of the world’s problems,” the representatives wrote in a letter, first obtained by Breitbart, to House Appropriators. “It would make much more sense for states in the region to take in those in need.”

The letter by the Republican representatives comes days after CBS obtained internal federal documents that show senior officials in the Biden administration and U.S. agencies have “discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents.”

“Mindlessly allowing hundreds of thousands of unvetted Palestinian aliens into our nation is an unacceptable threat to national security,” Ogles said in a statement to Breitbart. “The vast majority of Palestinian Arabs continue to support Hamas’ butchery on October 7 and hate our American way of life.”

In the U.S. Senate, a group of 35 Republicans – including Tennessee U.S. Senators Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) – have also expressed strong opposition to any plan by the Biden administration that would bring Gazan refugees to the U.S.

“Your administration’s reported plan to accept Gazan refugees poses a national security risk to the United States. With more than a third of Gazans supporting the Hamas militants, we are not confident that your administration can adequately vet this high-risk population for terrorist ties and sympathies before admitting them into the United States,” the group of Senators wrote.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.






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6 Thoughts to “Congressman Andy Ogles Among House Republicans Seeking to Prevent the Resettling of Palestinians into the U.S.”

  1. Dr Ken

    Completely agree with Congressman Ogles, the Palestinians have their hands dirty in harboring Hamas for years. Same too, with the PLO of Arafat, all advocated the irradiation of the Jewish people, no different than what was promoted in 1933 Nazi Germany. They are not the victim in what is occurring in Gaza contrary to the garbage mainstream media is feeding gullible students and the political lunatic left. Barry Obama was instrumental in propelling Somalian relocation and look how that effort destroyed Minneapolis. US focus must go to securing our border. At the same time, we must provide unconditional support to Israel. It is long overdue to rid the region of the terroristic elements such Hamas and Hezbollah.

  2. Joe Blow

    Anyone else wonder where those totally unvetted Afghans are that jump on the planes during Biden’s “successful” withdrawal?

  3. William Bruce

    Absolutely correct. I applaud the efforts of Andy Ogles in trying to prevent the influx of a people who have a religion completely at odds with Christians and Jews. Moreover, their “religion” uses violent physical means to achieve its ends, and this will endanger all American families. The lawless, traitors of the Biden government are devoid of any sense of care for our nation and heritage.

  4. Always Waching


  5. Truthy McTruthFace

    good! keep up the good work!


    THANK YOU TO REP Ogles for taking actions to prevent the Biden Administration from bringing more American-haters into this country.

    The Countries surrounding Palestine won’t take them in because they are so dangerous.

    HAMAS must be forced to release all Hostages or suffer devastating consequences. Israel has every right to respond to the gruesome October 7 attack on the most innocent of the Jews.
    The attacks on Israels mist innocent were Barbaric & cowardly. Take them out with our blessing. End their genocide.
    The land between the River & the Sea now belongs to Israel. There can be NO 2 STATE SOLUTION. Palestine doesn’t want peace. So they must go.
